Project Overview
The McKinsey Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity is a collective of 37 organizations representing 2.4 million students across the United States, including 4-year, 2-year, Public, Private, and Historically Black Colleges & Universities. The University of Arizona joined the taskforce which required a commitment to take action around three primary taskforce goals:
- Prepare our most vulnerable students and graduates of 2020-2023 for security and success in the post-pandemic economy;
- Support and partner with our communities and government in an inclusive recovery through and after COVID-19, focusing on displaced workers, adult learners, PK-12 systems, economic development, community health and COVID-19 support;
- Re-imagine the Future of Higher Education in terms of how we deliver quality and accessible education, and how we evolve our programs to prepare for the future of work and for a post-pandemic world.
As a result of the University's participation in the taskforce, Student Engagement & Career Development was selected to receive a $250,000 grant from the Strada Education Network to connect learning with employment for first-generation, low-income, students of color.
Beyond Completion Challenge - Grant Recipients
The Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity: Taking action for our communities
Colleges, McKinsey and Strada Start Task Force on Higher Education and Opportunity
The Pressure to Retain Workers Could Be Intense for Colleges. Here's What They Can Start Doing Now.
Amid corporate urgency, a new level of commitment to training
Project Contact
Alex Robie Harris,