University Policies

The University Initiatives & Policy Office Manages University Policies

Old Main Building


As a central repository for existing, new, and revised policies, the University Policies website serves to standardize policy format for policies and improve organization and accessibility.

University policies, procedures, processes, and guidelines are retained and maintained on this website to guide and inform the University community.

University Initiatives & Policy partners with policy sponsors across the university, including Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, Business Affairs, and many others, to facilitate the policy process. 


For additional information, or assistance on how to locate policies, develop new policies, update existing policies, or any other policy related matter, please contact Annette Maggio, Policy Analyst, at


NEW POLICY HIGHLIGHT:   Paid Time Off for Volunteer Services
Want to support your community through volunteering?
The Paid Time Off for Volunteer Services Policy provides University employees with this opportunity!
  • Receive 8 hours of paid time off each year, on an annual basis, for full benefits-eligible employees (prorated by FTE)
  • Participate in volunteer activities with qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations
Click here for all the details on how and where employees may volunteer their time under this policy.

As you consider creating a new or revising a current university policy, please keep in mind the following different policy types:

  • A university policy means a policy with broad application across the University that is approved by the president.  University policies are required to follow a formal policy review and approval process.
  • An academic policy means a policy that applies to courses, grading, instruction, curriculum, academic program requirements, minors, majors, certificates, degrees, academic credit, transfer credits, credit equivalencies, general education, and academic progress. Academic policies should follow the Academic Policies Approval Process. The university policy review and approval process does not apply to or govern academic policies.
  • A unit policy means a policy that applies only within a particular unit or only to the operations or transactions within a particular unit and that are overseen by a particular unit. The university policy review and approval process does not apply to or govern unit policies.