Campus Early Childhood Education and Care

Project Overview

Building on previous child care and early childhood education initiatives, University Initiatives & Policy has convened a Campus Early Childhood Education and Care Working Group and Subcommittee to explore the feasibility of a campus early childhood education center. To date, this initiative has included a feasibility study; working with Planning, Design, & Construction to identify potential sites; and securing a $100,000 federal grant to develop a site analysis and concept design. 

The feasibility study includes a needs assessment, market research, stakeholder interviews, operational model considerations, and space and budget considerations. This study will allow us to better understand our campus community’s early education and child care needs as well as potential education and care options for UA parents and caregivers, including the possible development of a campus early childhood education and care center for faculty, staff, and students. 

Working Group & Subcommittee Members

Melissa BarnettAssociate Professor, Family Studies & Human DevelopmentNorton School of Human Ecology; Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Monica BrinkerhoffAssociate VP, Early Childhood EducationUnited Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
Karla Cruze-SilvaAssociate DirectorHispanic Serving Institution Initiatives
Madeleine De BloisResearch ScientistNorton School of Human Ecology
Chris DominiakManager of Employee BenefitsHuman Resources
Peter DourleinAssociate Vice President, University ArchitectPlanning, Design & Construction
Leah DuranAssociate Professor, Teaching/Learning and Sociocultural StudiesCollege of Education
Tessa DysartAssistant Director of Legal Writing and  Clinical Professor, Law ; Secretary of the FacultyCollege of Law; Faculty Senate
Kara Haberstock TanoueResearch Specialist, Sr.Norton School of Human Ecology
Carole JensenDirector, Child Language Center, Wings on WordsSpeech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Chrissy LiebermanAssociate Dean of StudentsDean of Students
Maritza Magdalena Marquez OlagueCollege of Education Graduate Student RepresentativeGraduate and Professional Student Council
Paty MarquezArchitect, Project ManagerPlanning, Design, & Construction
Leanna OlivarAssistant Director, Athletic Training, Arizona AthleticsArizona Athletics; Commission on the Status of Women
Jeff RatjeAssociate Vice President, Finance, Administration and OperationsDivision of Agriculture, Life & Veterinary Sciences & Cooperative Extension
Iliana ReyesAssociate Dean, Academic Affairs and Community and Global PartnershipsCollege of Education
Pablo RochaPresident & Graduate StudentGraduate and Professional Student Council
Lourdes RodriguezManager, Childcare and Family ResourcesLife & Work Connections - Human Resources

Project Contact

Lori Van Buggenum, 

Alex Robie Harris,